• Smyrna School District Kindergarten Registration

Instructions for Kindergarten Registration

  • We are accepting Kindergarten Registration forms at our schools for the 2024-2025 school year. If your child is turning 5 by August 31st, 2025, follow the steps below to register your student with the Smyrna School District.

    Step 1: Locate Your School

    Use the Department of Education School Locator website to locate your local school. If you have any questions regarding registering your child in the Smyrna School District, you can call the Smyrna District Office at (302) 653-8585.

    Step 2: Complete the Student Registration Forms

    Click one of the following links to complete the Student Registration Forms:

    School Registration Online Form

    School Registration Printable Forms

    Step 3: Complete Ages and Stages Questionnaire

    Follow one of the following links:

    Ages and Stages Questionnaire (English)

    Ages and Stages Questionnaire (Espanol)

    This is a developmental screening that is required to register your child for Kindergarten. A Developmental Screening offers a snapshot of a child's current abilities across developmental domains (communication, fine motor, gross motor, problem-solving, personal-social, and social-emotional). The results help determine if a child is developing skills as expected, or if there may be a concern regarding development within a specific domain. 

    For children entering kindergarten next school year: type in the name of the school your child will attend for kindergarten when asked: “Where does your child attend child care?” 

    **Note – If your child is over 5 ½ years old, only the ASQ:SE-2 can be completed, using this link:

    Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ:SE-2) (English)

    Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ:SE-2) (Espanol)  

    Following completion, results will be shared with families via email within 3 weeks.

    If you need assistance completing the forms online or would prefer to fill out paper copies, please contact Amy Tracey @ amy.tracey@smyrna.k12.de.us or 302-659-6287.

    Step 4: Gather Required Documentation

    • Student's Birth Certificate
    • Proof of state required immunizations - State Immunization Requirements
    • Two proofs of residency in the Smyrna School District
      • Mortgage Statement, Deed, Sales Agreements, Signed Lease/Rental Agreement AND one of the following:
        • Utility Bill (Electric, Gas, Water, Cable)
        • Auto Registration
        • Driver’s License with Current Address
    If applicable, you will also need to provide:
    • Guardianship, Custody or Caregiver paper
    • Official withdrawal form from your child's previous school
    • Individual Education Plan (IEP)
    • 504 Plan
    • Transportation Request Form

    Please note that there may be additional forms to be requested at specific building and grade level.

    Step 5: Submit Student Registration Forms and required documents to the child's attending school through the registration emails below:



    Questions regarding Transportation? Click Here