Title 1
The teachers and staff at all Smyrna School District Elementary Schools view family involvement as a powerful component of effective literacy and mathematics programs. Our reading and math programs offer students a wide variety of rich materials that allow for flexibility in use of resources to meet the state, district, and classroom needs.
Smyrna Students will have inclusive access to an insured and exceptional education so that all may realize their academic promise and personal dreams.
Smyrna School District Curriculum and Instruction Documentation
2022-23 SSD Title 1 School-Parent Compact (Spanish)
2022-23 SSD Title 1 School-Parent Compact Spanish.pdf 430.36 KB (Last Modified on September 12, 2022) -
2022-23 SSD Parent Involvement Guidelines (Spanish)
2022-23 SSD Parent Involvement Guidelines Spanish.pdf 438.56 KB (Last Modified on September 12, 2022)